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Tt2146 datasheet vceo400v, switching transistor sanyo. Reflow soldering is the only recommended soldering method. Tt2146 datasheet switching transistor tt2146 sanyo, tt2146 pdf, tt2146 pinout, tt2146 manual, tt2146 schematic, tt2146 equivalent, tt2146 data, circuit. Tt2146 datasheet pdf list of unclassifed manufacturers.
Datasheet search engine for electronic components and. Transistors are made from the same ntype and ptype materials as diodes and employ the same principles. The symbol of the transistor has an arrow on the emitter. Tt2146m datasheet, tt2146m pdf, tt2146m data sheet, tt2146m manual, tt2146m pdf, tt2146m, datenblatt, electronics tt2146m, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet, datas sheets, databook, free datasheet. Tt2146 hv high speed switching transistor electronics forum. If an scrs gate is left floating disconnected, it behaves exactly as a shockley diode. It is designed for general purpose high voltage applications and is housed in the sot. October 2016 docid3506 rev 10 115 this is information on a product in full production.
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